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各类办公室设计、服务性办公室设计 和 共享办公空间 项目设计 0813工作室 - 商业室内设计专家,悉尼,澳大利亚.

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0813 Studio commercial interior designs Sydney NSW. This is a project photo of commercial office design, board room design, featuring operable wall, open ceiling in the corridor, current audio visual technology.

您可信赖的室内设计专家,为您提供各类办公室设计 和 专业的项目管理服务; 坐标悉尼,服务澳大利亚

0813 Studio Commercial Interior Designers Sydney NSW, this is a coworking space project photo, located in Melbounre city fringe, as part of serviced office design. We adopted modern and trendy design, featuring timber ceiling, timber booth seating, luxury furniture selection, and special dedicated lighting design. We worked with the operations team to get the space ready before practical completion date to attract more sales for the space. We included a library style communal space as the extension of internal cafe for the purpose of incrasing networking and teamwork opportunities.


0813 Studio Commercial Interior Designs Sydney NSW, we also design new-gen office too! Does office look like an office these days any more? No! We will provide you with modern design fully adapting base building characters, providing the perfect yet unique combination of space allocation for your business that attract your employees working in the office, increase team building, promote networking and collabration. We design the space like no other, like this project, we left the ceiling open as it was and planted an indoor tree for a balance of industrial look and feel, with indoor garden.

任何大小、类型和设计风格的办公室,办公空间, 我们均能驾轻就熟地完成。

With 0813 Studio Commercial Interior Designs, Sydney, NSW, we have experience in design and delivery of activity based workplace, fully equipped with modern technology to assist the ABW, including follow-me printing, meeting room booking system, sign-in system, click and play workstation, name a few.

我们也擅长开放型办公室设计 和 基于工作活动的办公空间设计(ABW)

If you are into clean yet morden office design, we, 0813 Studio Commercial Interior Designs would be your perfect choice for designer; we have designed and project managed more than 50 serviced office projects acorss Australia, with sizes from 300sqm to 1,500sqm; project value from $200K to $3M.

我们是服务型办公室设计 和 共享工作空间项目的专家。 我们懂得如何最大限度利用 并 优化办公空间. 


modern office design, with opening ceiling, special lighting design and careful selection of workstation and other office furniture with ergonomic features.


- 0813工作室


我们是您在悉尼商业办公设计方面真正可以信赖的专家。我们的设计师在商业办公室设计和室内装修方面拥有丰富的经验,从SAP工业园区的设计和海外项目管理开始-(3座与中央花园和自助餐厅相连的商业办公大楼。)从那时起,我们的项目总监就设计和管理了具有ABW办公室设计的无数商业办公项目,其中包括为这家全球建筑公司新建了一个具有澳洲Green Star认证的商业办公室,或是这家位于乔治街的澳大利亚电信公司的多个办公项目,以及这家全球服务式办公室公司负责澳大利亚和新西兰的室内设计和项目管理新的商业装修。工作范围为端到端的交钥匙工程,包括可行性报告,空间规化和概念设计,详图设计,设计管理,招标和报告,预算,进度管理,采购管理,施工管理和报告,缺陷整改,并最终交出。在澳大利亚和新西兰有40多个项目。



We have extensive experience in design and delivery of activity based workplace (ABW), which saves your operating cost and rental cost (by downsizing the leasing area).

Activity based workplace (ABW) design and delivery.

We understand that ABW is not suitable for every organisation, and from design wise, it is certainly not one-size-fits-all. We will make recommendations from design and operation perspectives based on your organisation's operating model, culture and your end-users' daily working behaviors in the workplace. 

For us, ABW is more than just workstations and lockers in the workplace. Essentially, the design - as we call the name "activity", is based on end-users' daily activities. Then it involves other design factors, including the space ratio between communal area and workstation area, what to include in the communal area, or to be more specific what seating arrangement to be included in the ABW communal area... to name a few. And there is a technology piece in project consultation that we would recommend our client to consider as well, i.e. sign-in system for seat allocation, meeting space booking system, wireless presenters for display screen,... etc. 

Then there is the education piece in the ABW project that we would be more than happy to provide our service based on our extensive experience. Our goal is to get your staffs excited about the space, understand how to use the space (as it certainly is different from conventional workplace), and then ultimately love the ABW workplace. 

The benefit of ABW:

- Saving operating cost, we normally design 80 - 85% of workstation against your headcount.

- Flexible working 

- Increase opportunity to networking and team-building

- Promote performance based management

- Super modern office and tons of technology with wow factor.

0813 Studio commercial interior designers Sydney, designing industrial look and feel space, providing office design sydney
0813 studio commercial interior designers sydney - serviced office design, co-working space design, Urban Modern Interior Office Design
0813 Studio commercial interior designers - office design sydney, board room training room design, open ceilig industrial look and feel


实问实答 FAQ.

- 最小的设计项目我们做过60平方米办公室,包括会议室、公共办公区域、接待区域和茶水设备。最大的设计项目我们做过3500平方米的办公室项目,包括了中央楼板钻孔,建造中央链接室内楼梯以及全部3各楼层的办公室设计装潢。我们的总监项目经验还包括18000平方米的办公园区的项目管理。


在设计之后和施工之前, 我需要什么文件来开工?

- 这取决于项目的工作内容。 若只是类似于油漆等饰面方面的更改,你所需要的只有房东的许可(一封确认邮件即可)。若有高要求的话,则以一封书面的房东签名许可的形式呈现,并存档。



您可以简单地致电我们,我们会详细审核并为您指明方向。+61 466 20 0813


- 我们的总监设计并项目管理过大大小小超过50个商业办公室项目,大的有750万工程造价,小的大约10万造价。 当然这不是我们的设计费用,这只是工程规模的一个参考。


- 这是室内设计的一个术语,我们会按照现场的情况和客户对于设计和使用的要求,出具一张草图,上面表明了各个区域所包含的设计内容和空间使用的功能。比如商业办公室设计的草图,我们会在上面会标注接待台,会议室,小办公室,公共办公区域,茶水设施等等的大小,方位。


- 我们办公室项目的详图设计,包括了办公室平面图,墙体方位图,室内立面图,饰面图,家具摆设图,吊顶图,固定家具设计,等等。有关项目设计的所有细节。

0813 Studio为每个项目(无论大小)提供高质量的服务。我们是您值得信赖的顾问,在商业办公项目方面具有丰富的行业经验。


+61 466 200 813

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